Preparing the model
To upload files to a model we just need to add a trait to the model of our choosing and implement the HasMedia interface.
use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use Thinktomorrow\AssetLibrary\Traits\AssetTrait;
class Article extends Model implements HasMedia
use AssetTrait;
Uploading files
There are 2 main ways to upload a file.
- To a model
- To the assetlibrary
To a model
Make sure you have prepared the model you would like to upload a file to as specified in the previous step
To upload a file we call the addFile method on the model instance we want to attach the file to.
$model = new Article();
$model->addFile($file, $type, $locale, $filename);
file required
The Thinktomorrow\AssetLibrary\Models\Asset upload is used to attach existing assets from the library to an existing model, and works exactly the same as uploading a file.
type optional
Type allows us to get a file based on the type for instance an article could have a banner but also a pdf file. Without type the library wouldn't be able to discern between them. This is explained in greater detail in the section about retrieving files.
locale optional
The locale should be a string matching one of the locales allows by you application. ie 'en', 'nl', etc
filename optional
The filename can be set to override the uploaded filename. Keep in mind that the filename will still be sluggified for safety.
Upload an array/collection of files
Uploading multiple files at once is done like this:
$model = new Article();
$model->addFiles($files, $type, $locale);
files required
The Thinktomorrow\AssetLibrary\Models\Asset upload is used to attach existing assets from the library to an existing model, and works exactly the same as uploading a file.
type optional
Type allows us to get a file based on the type for instance an article could have a banner but also a pdf file. Without type the library wouldn't be able to discern between them. This is explained in greater detail in the section about retrieving files.
locale optional
The locale should be a string matching one of the locales allows by you application. ie 'en', 'nl', etc
As you can see there is no parameter for the filename. To pass along a filename you can key the array with the filename like so:
$article = new Article;
'Image1.png' => Image,
'Image2.png' => Image
$type, $locale, $keepOriginal);
To the general library
If you don't want to attach a file to a model in the case of a medialibrary, this works as follows.
$asset = AssetUploader::upload($file, $filename);
A file not attached to a model doesn't have a type or locale since these fields are only relevant in the context of a model.
Uploading a Base64 encoded image string
Uploading a Base64 image is different for a model or the library
Attached to a model
Uploading a Base64 image is exactly the same as a normal file.
$article = new Article();
$article->addFile('Base64EncodedImage', $type, $locale, $filename);
To the general library
Uploading a Base64 image to the library uses a different method on the AssetUploader class:
$asset = AssetUploader::uploadFromBase64($file, $filename);
Retrieving files
Retrieving a file from a model is very simple. There are a few methods on the model available.
hasFile() returns true if this model has a file for the given type and/or url.
$article->hasFile($type, $locale);
getFileUrl() returns the url for the type/file/locale.
$article->getFileUrl($type, $size, $locale);
getAllImages() returns all the assets which are images.
getAllFiles() returns all the assets for the type/locale.
$article->getAllFiles($type, $locale);
Replacing assets on a model
replaceAsset() takes the ids of the assets to replace and to replace with. Note: the replaced asset will be removed.
$article->replaceAsset($replaceId, $withId);
Sorting assets on a model
sortFiles() takes the type and an array which defines the sorting order. The array should have the order as keys and the ids of the assets as value:
sorting = [
0 => "3"
1 => "1"
2 => "2"
$article->sortFiles($type, $sorting);
Adding conversions
An upload also creates conversions(size) for the file:
- thumb: width 150
height 150
- medium:width 300
height 130
- large: width 1024
height 353
- full: width 1600
height 553
The original version will be returned if you don't specify the size. These conversions can be defined in the assetlibrary config file.