
Chief is a laravel package that adds a site management system to your project. Out of the box you'll get page, url and menu management provided through a well-crafted admin UI. All of this with localization in mind.


There are a few minimum requirements for chief to be installable:

  • php >= 7.2.0
  • Laravel framework >= 5.8.

Potential vendor conflict

Chief makes use of the spatie/laravel-permission package. This does expect only one permission based role system. So this will present a conflict if your project already utilises the package for its own permissions.


Chief can be installed via composer.

composer require thinktomorrow/chief

The package will automatically register its service provider but you'll need to set up a couple of elements to completely hook chief into your application:

  1. Migrations
  2. Exception handler
  3. Chief config
  4. Chief assets
  5. First admin user

1. Migrations

After setting you database credentials run the migrate artisan command. This will automatically run the chief migrations as well.

php artisan migrate

2. Exception handler

Your app's exception handler should extend Thinktomorrow\Chief\App\Exceptions\Handler since it takes care of all chief authentication and authorization.

In the app/Exceptions/Handler.php file extend the handler class as such:

# app/Exceptions/Handler.php

use Thinktomorrow\Chief\App\Exceptions\Handler as ChiefExceptionHandler;

class Handler extends ChiefExceptionHandler

Rename login routename to chief.back.login

From laravel version 5.7.19, there is an App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate middleware in the app folder which contains a predefined login route. This will break behaviour in cases where you don't have a login routename defined. In order to redirect non-logged users to the chief login page, you should change this named route to chief.back.login.

If you have upgraded your project from an older version of Laravel you might not have this file. Make sure to add it: Authenticate.php

In this class there is a redirectTo function and it should end up looking like this:


# App\Http\Middleware\Authenticate.php

protected function redirectTo($request)
        if (!$request->expectsJson()) {
            return route('chief.back.login');

4. Chief config

Publish the chief config to config/thinktomorrow/chief as this will require you to set some application defaults such as contact email and application name.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=chief-config

Make sure to set at least the name value to your project name in your .env file as it is used in some of the generator commands. Ideally this should match the namespace of your src folder, if you have any. Make sure to namespace the src folder in your composer.json to match this name.

The following vendor assets should also be published to your application:

// The dimsav translatable package
php artisan vendor:publish --tag=translatable

This will create the translatable config file config/translatable.php, this is where you edit what languages are available in the chief admin panel.

5. Chief assets

The next step is to publish the chief-assets to our public folder. If you want to overwrite existing files you can add the --force flag here.

php artisan vendor:publish --tag=chief-assets --force

6. First admin user

By now your admin is ready to go. The only thing missing to access it is an admin user, so let's add one. Use the following command to add an admin account. Note that it also takes care of setting up the auth permissions and roles.

php artisan chief:admin --dev

Now that all this setup is done, let's go to the chief admin panel to get your first glance on the admin. Go to the /admin route and login with your newly created credentials to access the admin panel.

The basics section of this guide will bring you up to speed on some of the important concepts to kickstart your project development.


I get the "Route [login] not defined" error. Help!

Extend our ChiefExceptionHandler in the app/handler.php file. This is because the chief admin uses a custom guard and does not rely on the default auth laravel routes.

I get the "Tokenmismatch" error after login into the admin. Help!

This most likely means you have an outdated version of chief. Run 'composer update' to get the latest version. If this error persists you might have some middleware that's interfering with the login/session process.

I get the 'Expected response code 250 but got code “530”, with message “530 5.7.1 Authentication required ”' error. Help!

Please make sure your mail settings in your .env file are correct.

MySQL index length bug

Add following snippet in the AppServiceProvider of your project if you use MySQL older than 5.7.7 ref: Schema::defaultStringLength(191)

# App\Providers\AppServiceProvider.php

use Illuminate\Support\Facades\Schema;

 * Bootstrap any application services.
 * @return void
public function boot()
Last Updated: 7/3/2020, 1:53:43 PM