
Adding fields

Each Manager has a fields() method. This method returns all available form fields. Chief has the most commonly used fields already at your disposal, such as text and select input, checkboxes, textarea and wysiwyg input. If your project requires another input type, you can always create a custom field as well.

Define your fields in the fields() method of the manager. This method should return a \Thinktomorrow\Chief\Fields\Fields class. The first argument for this Fields class is an array of field objects. Each field should extend the \Thinktomorrow\Chief\Fields\Field class.

use \Thinktomorrow\Chief\Fields\Fields;
use \Thinktomorrow\Chief\Pages\PageManager;
use \Thinktomorrow\Chief\Fields\Types\TextField;
use \Thinktomorrow\Chief\Fields\Types\InputField;

class AuthorManager extends PageManager
    public function fields(): Fields
        return new Fields([

Available fields


The input field will render a basic input field. It has no special options.


input field


The text field will render a basic text field without wysiwyg functionality. It has no special options.


text field


The html field will render a wysiwyg field. It has no special options.


html field


The select field will render a dropdown. Some required options for the selectfield are:

  • options: this is where you set the possible select options
  • selected: this is the currently selected value
  • multiple: this is a true or false value to denote is you are allowed to make multiple selections
            ->options(['Belgium', 'America', 'Canada'])

select field


The radio field will render radio buttons. It extends the selectfield and has all it's options:

  • options
  • selected
  • multiple
            ->options(['Male', 'Female', 'Other'])

radio field


The image field will render a dropzone for image uploads. It has the following extra options:

  • multiple: this is a true or false value to denote is you are allowed to make multiple selections
  • validation: These follow the working of standard chief validation rules. Possible validation rules are required, mimetypes, dimensions, min, max

media field

Retrieving uploaded images

To retrieve the images that have been uploaded with an imagefield we use the Thinktomorrow/assetlibrary package. Each uploaded image will be converted to different sizes according to the assetlibrary config. To fetch these conversions pass the name to the url or filename function. For more information check out the assetlibrary documentation



The file field will render a dropzone for file uploads. It has the following extra options:

  • multiple: this is a true or false value to denote is you are allowed to make multiple selections
  • validation: These follow the working of standard chief validation rules. Possible validation rules are :required, mimetypes, dimensions, min, max

document field


The date field will render a field with a date selector. It has no special options.



To display this date correctly across all pages you need to define the field in the dates array on the model.

date field

Available options

The following are the default available options on all fields:

  • make: the name of the field, also corresponds to the database column name
  • label: the label shown in the admin panel
  • description: the description shown underneath the label in the admin panel
  • validation: the laravel validation rules applied to this field. More on this in the section Validation.
  • translated: the languages in which this field should be translated. More on this in the section Localisation.
  • default: set the default value for this field.
  • valueResolver: set a callback that will be used to determine how this value should be filled. Useful if the field is saved on a pivot or in a json field.

An example of a basic field with all these options filled in could look like this:

InputField::make('title')->translatable(['en', 'nl'])
                        ->label('Page Title')
                        ->description('Title to be used in the admin.')
                        ->default('Standard pagetitle')
                        ->valueResolver(function($model, $locale){
                            return $model->pagetitle();

Create a custom field

Page fields




If you define a field as translatable you will have to override the translatedAttributed on the model so the translated field can be fetched.

protected $translatedAttributes = ['title', 'content', 'title_bg'];

In this case we added the title_bg field so we have to override all translated fields.

Validating fields

  • intro: eloquent model, custom object, Page and Module are 2 in-house types of managers


This is the basic field. You would not use this to define a field on a model. Instead you define one of the more specific fields. This class provides some global function that are useful for a field like if it's translatable, its validation, label and description.

A basic input field might look like this:

InputField::make('title')->translatable(['en', 'nl'])
                        ->label('Page Title')
                        ->description('Title to be used in the admin.'),


If you define a field as translatable you will have to override the translatedAttributed on the model so the translated field can be fetched.

protected $translatedAttributes = ['title', 'content', 'title_bg'];

In this case we added the title_bg field so we have to override all translated fields.

Last Updated: 7/3/2020, 11:17:42 AM