Via Composer
$ composer require thinktomorrow/locale
The package will be autodiscovered by laravel so no need to add the provider to the config/app.php file.
Finally create a configuration file to /config/thinktomorrow/locale.php
php artisan vendor:publish --provider="Thinktomorrow\Locale\LocaleServiceProvider"
To make your routes localized, place them inside a Route::group() with a following prefix:
Route::group(['prefix' => localeRoutePrefix()],function(){
// Routes registered within this group will be localized
Generating a localized url
Localisation of your routes is done automatically when named routes are being used. Creation of all named routes will be localized based on current locale. Quick non-obtrusive integration.
route('pages.about'); // prints out http://example.com/en/about (if en is the active locale)
To create an url with a specific locale other than the active one, you can use the localeroute helper.
// Generate localized url from uri (resolves as laravel url() function)
localeroute('about','en'); // http://example.com/en/about
// Generate localized url from named route (resolves as laravel route() function)
localeroute('pages.about','en'); // http://example.com/en/about
// Add additional parameters as third parameter
localeroute('products.show','en',['slug' => 'tablet']); // http://example/en/products/tablet
Note: Passing the locale as 'lang' query parameter will force the locale example.com/en/about?lang=nl makes sure the request will deal with a 'nl' locale.
- locales: Whitelist of locales available for usage inside your application. Basic usage:
'locales' => [
'*' => [
Multi-domain usage:
'locales' => [
'https://awesome-domain-nl.com' => [
'/' => 'nl',
'https://awesome-domain-en.com' => [
'/' => 'en',
Each multi-domain can have multiple locale as well:
'locales' => [
'https://awesome-domain.com' => [
'en' => 'en',
'/' => 'nl',
- hidden_locale: You can set one of the available locales as 'hidden' which means any request without a locale in its uri, should be localized as this hidden locale. For example if the hidden locale is 'nl' and the request uri is /foo/bar, this request is interpreted with the 'nl' locale. Note that this is best used for your main / default locale.
- placeholder: Explicit route placeholder for the locale. Must be used for the LocaleUrl::route()` method when multiple parameters need to be injected.
Switching languages
To implement a language toggle you can define the switch simply in the view using the activeLocale()->get() to find the active locale like so:
@if(\Thinktomorrow\Locale\Scope::activeLocale()->get() == 'nl')
<span class="font-bold p-2 inline-block">NL</span>
<a href="{{ localeroute('pages.home', 'fr') }}">FR</a>
<a href="{{ localeroute('pages.home', 'nl') }}">NL</a>
<span class="font-bold p-2 inline-block">FR</span>
Or if you prefer you can use a dedicated language switching controller. This may come in handy if you need to do some other operations while switch languages.
$locale = $request->get('locale', Scope::activeLocale()->get());
// Redirect to requested language version of this url
$redirect = $request->get('redirect', null) ?? localeurl(URL::previous(), $locale);
return redirect()->to($redirect);